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Meetings Notes
April 2005

Hello everyone,

The meeting at the Connecticut Yankee brought us new faces. Trent and his wife Alex came on his Orange Tiger. Alex decided to leave her Guzzi at home. Jean-Luc on his red ST, Tara on her Bonnie America (pretty). . . Tom on his ummmm SV-Tiger and Carollyn on her spiffy RS.

The North Bay ride that was intended for Saturday has been cancelled due to the Clubman show being on Saturday. Since we will be at the show, there will not be a person to lead the ride. I’m sorry guys and gals, the ride person was not able to make it.

As stated on the website, there is the morning after ride which is being organized by the Norton Owners Club. It will start promptly at 10 AM in Los Gatos, at Baker’s Square Restaurant off HWY 9 & 17. If you need more information please call Don Danmeier (415) 898-0330. It will be a great chance to ride with the real classics. The bikes are beautiful and some can really move. The ride goes into the Santa Cruz hills. It’s a very lovely ride and meant to be a race track. You will enjoy it and the scenery (weather permitting) hee hee.

As for the Clubman show on Saturday, they are honoring Pre-Unit Triumphs, so you will get a chance to see some terrific bikes. There will be a BSA Star Twin raffled off. Tickets are $1 each. Here’s you chance to win a cute little bike for a dollar!

The show will consists of all kinds of British bikes and trophies will be given to best of them. (Ah ha!!! Including one to our Hinckley kids!) So those of you who are entering your bike in the show good luck to you. California Triumph in Mountain View, who is our sponsor, is providing the trophy for the Hinckley class. This is the first year that Hinckley Triumphs have been judged or welcomed to enter into the show. I think it’s a milestone for our bikes and with the help of Cal Triumph we will have something to show for it. We thank you Kari and Mike for making this possible for us.

There is also a swap meet for those of you who do have older bikes and are looking for some tidbit for your bike.

Well, we hope to see you there with your Triumphs or on the day after ride!

Ride far, ride safe,

Maya Lai

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