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Bay Area RAT

Meetings Notes
June 9, 2004

Our meeting at the Englander was great. It’s nice to see all of you on your beautiful machines. We added a new bike to the group. Graeme just purchased a Thruxton from Cal Moto, and what a looker folks! I love the checkerboard look.

Well, we talked a bit about our helmet that’s being raffled. Just a reminder to everyone, the helmet has a British flag painted on it with the Triumph logo across the back. (Painted. by Inky, in Santa Rosa)

(click on image to enlarge)

This helmet does not come in a size. Understanding that not everyone has the same size head, the winner of the helmet will be able to pick his or her size and brand of helmet. Having a helmet that fits properly can and usually helps to save lives. If you have not purchased ticket yet, please go to your local dealer where we will have ticket available. (We are working on a PayPal link from this site).

We also discussed having a 911 run for the firefighters in the Bay Area. This will be a poker run with prizes for the best hands. The money we collect from the tickets will go to the firefighter’s fund. We will post more about this event in the near future.

As the rides go, Roger and Tim have not yet filled us in on their trips, in which Roger went on a ride for the troops and Tim attended the Big bear Rat Raid. When I get the scoop from them I will post it on the site (hopefully with pictures).

Cal Moto has agreed to a tech session. It will be about suspension. This will happen on a Saturday in July (excluding Laguna Seca weekend) in the afternoon. We will need a head count of those attending because a Bar-B-Que is being arranged for those attendees. As soon as I know the final date I will email it out A.S.A.P. It should be a great time for everyone. It will be one year that our RAT pack has been in existence.

Don’t forget time is running out to get the package from Triumph for the 3-day passes at Laguna-Seca. They are $125 for three days, parking in a spot designated for Triumphs and also where the Triumph tent will be. Lunch is provided, pit passes and a parade lap to the first 50 who sign up. Go to our website for details.

Triumphs are selling like hot cakes at Cal Moto, so we will definitely see more of us on the road.

Summer is here, so gear up and hit the roads for some wonderful days of riding kids! I hope to see you soon, either at a meeting, ride or just passing in the wind.

RAT leader,


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