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Bay Area RAT

Meetings Notes - June 11, 2008

Hello everyone,

I hope all of you have something good in store for Father's day!

The meeting outside at the Duke of Edinburgh was nice, However we had another party at the opposite end of the table that was a little too rambunctious so only half of us heard what the meeting was about.

It was decided that because of Father's day tomorrow, we will not have a ride this week but instead have the ride the following Sunday. We thought it best that in the case of a holiday which falls on our Sunday that we automatically postpone the ride for the following weekend. Of course if there are those who wish to ride anyway, we can set that up too.

I would like to get a list together of those who would like to get together for rides. Those who are interested please email me. I will not give out anyone's email or numbers unless you want to be contacted for rides. Gary Wick is going to lead the next ride.

He picked a wonderful route but it goes through some the fires in the area, so the ride may be tweaked a bit. June has always been my birthday ride month, so I was thinking of a barbeque. Let me know your thoughts on that.

We also had quite a few people pay dues. I would like to thank all of you that did. This money is held for when we want to something within the RAT Pack. This helps us get the funds for doing so.

Sue had a good point that was heard.... During our last ride, she was left behind because the pack didn't wait for her. Very unusual for us. That was a poor scheduled ride (thanks to me. Anyway, everyone agreed that we should have a leader, a mid pack leader that makes sure the pack remains together and the trailer. All was in favor. I apologize the the mishap Sue. We will make sure that doesn't happen again.

I thank all of you who attended the meeting. It was great to see your familiar faces. Anyway, I hope that you all have a great weekend and father's day! Safe riding....

RAT leader,


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