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Bay Area RAT

July 19, 2003 Ride

Our first Bay Area RAT Pack ride, started to assemble at Cal Triumph in Mountian View. Twelve bikes showed up for the ride. Five which were 955I Daytonas. Kari Prager and Mike Meissner from Cal Triumph came out to greet everyone and put out danishes and coffee. Everyone signed the waiver and was alright about it.

We left close to 10 am and headed up Hwy 84 to Alice's Restaurant.

There were quite a few people who came buzzing around to see our bikes, as they hadn't seen that many Triumphs clustered together.

We then headed up Skyline to HWY 9 down to the 880 freeway and headed over to my house for the Bar-B-Que. There was one incident where one couple on an 03' Trophy had their bike just stop. They had to wait a little time for it to start again.

My friend Carollyn did the cooking, (since she doesn't have her Triumph yet and her Norton is down) We had Tri Tip, porkchops, salmon and ribs.

Everyone was jazzed about the starting of the club.

We decided that our rides will be on the second Saturday of each month and our meeting the Wednesday before. We have picked rides for August and September.

I got to say this.... Seeing all those Triumphs together gave me such a warm fuzzy feeling. WEEEEE!!!! They are such GOOD kids!!!


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