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Bay Area RAT

September 13, 2003 Ride

Our ride to Big Sir was a wonderful ride. Lee did a GREAT job of planning it out and having gas stops and breaks for the riders. Thank you Lee!

It was a beautiful coast ride starting at CAL BMW/Triumph, where Kari and Mike brought out coffee for us before the shop was even open. We had 13 bikes, two bikes were coupled up. Hans brought his VFR and there was a beautiful Guzzi 1150 as well.

The Coast line was beautiful. Lee took us to a restaurant that overlooked the ocean where the fog was beneath us. The food was good the view excellent, and the company, the best.

After lunch we went to cannery row and took a picture of all the kids before we left for home.

There were no mishaps and after lunch we happily and serenely rode home.

Everyone had a great time and Thank those of you who attended our ride.


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